
Welcome to my blog "Randomness", here I will post stuff related to my artwork, talk about ideas, link to stuff that I like and things that inspire me.

New year a new chance to draw our way.

Hello there world

Days are getting longer slowly every day, as I say from time to time, summer it's on its way. 


With this new light, I receive new energy, it recharges my soul, my body, it inspires me to move on and continue with the artworks that weren't finished last year, this new light is letting me draw a new path to follow and experiment with new ways of expression. 


I am happy to tell all of you in the great big strange world, that in this coming year you will se lots of experiments in ceramics, some new stop motion projects, paintings, drawings, printmaking, and many more things. 



I am excited to see how everything unfolds. I wish you all a nice jump into the new year. Keep connected.